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2016 Asia-Pacific Conference on  Education, Society  and Psychology

January 05-07, 2016  Seoul , Korea

The Asia-Pacific Conference on Education, Society  and Psychology (APCESP 2016) will be held in Seoul , Korea during January. 05-07, 2016. The aim objective is to provide a platform for researchers, educators, academicians and psychologist as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Education, Society and Psychology. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.

APCESP Conference Program
201601 Seoul Conference Program.pdf

South Korea Tour-Ski Resort & Nami Island
Tour Date:January 7th , 2016
Tour time: 13:00~19:00
▶ Venue Hotel
▶ Ski Resort 
▶ Nami Island
▶ Dinner(Chicken BBQ)
▶ Venue Hotel

Keynote Speech

  Yong Won SEO
Associate Professor
College of Business and Economics
Director, Center for Global Business Education
Chung-Ang University
Topic: Servitized Supply Chain Models for Revenue Sharing

Servitization becomes increasingly popular in manufacturing companies as promising opportunities to expand market and improve revenues. This study aims to maximize the performance of the servitization BM through proper revenue sharing between the participants in the servitized supply chains. We present a quantitative model to analyze the profitability of the servitization BM in this situation.
In this study, participants are typed according to the role of the servitizated supply chains such as manufacturers, service providers, etc. According to the transaction form of each typed participants, the decision makings are analyzed and resultant supply chain performances are evaluated. It is shown that performance and profitability of the entire service supply chain can be optimized by coordinating decisions of the individual participants.
This basic model provides a good analytical framework that can be extended to a wide range of servitization BMs by typing the servitization form and modularizing the participants as the decision-making units. We expect that our quantitative method to evaluate the performance of service supply chains can contribute to promote the manufacturers' implementation of servitized BMs.

Brief Introduction of Dr. Yong Won SEO
Dr. Yong-Won SEO is an Associate Professor of Operations Management & Management Science in Chung-Ang University Business School (CBS), located in Seoul, Korea. He received his B.S., M.S, and Ph.D. in Seoul National University. His major research areas include the Supply Chain Management and the Service Operations Management, with the analytical and the experimental methods. He is a board member of Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society(KORMS), Korean Production & Operations Management Society(KOPOMS), and Korean Society of Supply Chain Management(KSCM). In addition to the academic researches, he has been executing consulting projects on the public informatization policies and guidelines to the government and public agencies including Ministry of Security and Public Administration(MOSPA), Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning(MSIP), National Information Society Agency(NIA). 


  Jo-Anna Lynch
Assistant Professor
Institute for Language Education and Research
Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Topic: Group Work as a Way to Alleviate Teacher Burden in the English Mediated Instruction Classroom
As English becomes ever increasingly important in the world today, more schools and governments are implementing not only English language lessons into curricula, but also mandating that more and more subject coursework be taught in English as well. Teachers themselves are often non-native speakers as well, which, when either teacher or student is not at an academic level of English can be a recipe for disaster. English Mediated Instruction (EMI) can be defined as main subject courses which are taught in English to a mainly non-native speaking student body. This presentation will begin with a brief introduction to EMI, explain the rationale of using more group work and less lecture during class time in the EMI classroom, and then will introduce effective means of implementing group work, including types of group work and examples of group activities. While the focus of this presentation will be on EMI, the pedagogical implications can carry over to any classroom from kindergarten to adult, regardless of the language of instruction or subject matter.   
Introduction of Lecturer
Jo-Anna Lynch is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Language Education and Research at Seoul National University of Science and Technology. She graduated from St. Michael's College in Vermont, USA in 2013 with her MA TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). She has taught English for over 7 years, mainly in Korea, but also in the USA, Chile, Republic of Georgia and India.  Her main areas of interest are in communicative language teaching (CLT) and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). She is an avid language learner and culture shock junkie, which has led her to travel through 4 continents.  
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