Organized by
Higher Education Forum
Taipei, Taiwan
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International Liaison
Yong Won SEO
Associate Professor
College of Business and Economics
Director, Center for Global Business Education
Chung-Ang University
Submission Deadline Extended to December 25, 2013
Dear colleagues,
In response to the large number of requests, the organizing committee of the APCETRD extends the submission deadline to December 25.
The submission of the abstract or paper with original, innovative or timely topic in the area of economics, trade and regional development are highly welcome. All abstracts/papers will be reviewed on the basis of merit by an international panel of reviewers and assigned to appropriate sessions.
Please pass on this CFPs to your friends who are interested in knowing this conference. Please feel free to contact us at , and visit for more information.
Best Wishes to you and your family,
Organizing Committee of APCETRD